Albergo Ristorante Nerina
IT | DE | EN

Where we are


Albergo Ristorante Nerina is located in Malgolo, municipality of  Romeno,  in Val di Non, Trentino Region, at 818 mt. above sea level.
How to reach us:
- highway A 22 Brennero/Modena, junction of  San Michele all’Adige/Mezzocorona, state highway 43 to Dermulo and then 43dir (to Passo Mendola) to Malgolo;
- highway A 22 Brennero/Modena, junction of  Bolzano Sud, state highway 42 to Passo della Mendola.
By train: Trento or Mezzocorona station, from where you can reach us by Trento/Malè train and by bus.
Nearest airport: Verona Villafranca (120 km)


Lat = 46°22'48.67"N
Long = 11° 5'36.06E